Tawangmangu subdistrict, district Karanganyar
Tawangmangu - enjoy the fresh Grojogan Sewu Waterfall on the Slopes of Mount Lawu
Although located on the equator with temperatures hot and humid, Indonesia is endowed with many mountains that offer coolness.One is Tawangmangu, approximately 37 km east of Solo. Although situated on the slopes, this tourist area is one of the easiest to visit.Public bus transport almost all the time available to take tourists up to the main terminal. Travel overland for approximately 1.5 hours from the terminal Solo was the main attraction. Beautiful scenery of rice cultivation on the left and right upon entering the street ready to greet Karanganyar region.
Tawangmangu morning atmosphere is very beautiful and exotic.Cold air typical of the mountains and fog blanketed the mountain peaks provide an aura of its own beauty. Take a stroll while enjoying the beautiful rice fields, see the activities of residents in the morning, or exploring the market is very effective to relieve tired of the bustle of everyday. Tawangmangu also popular with the production of vegetables and fresh fruits. The fields were planted with cabbage, carrots, radishes, strawberries, and various other crops extends everywhere.
Food and beverage merchants scattered around the waterfall, ready to be a place to unwind or relax enjoying the fresh air under the shady trees. The most famous food is rabbit satay. Meat rabbits are a little tough but has a soft meat fibers combined with peanut sauce, sliced chilies and onions, served with rice cake.According to experts, in addition to low-cholesterol rabbit meat also has many health benefits. Rabbit meat contains a substance called kitotefin compounds. These compounds when combined with other compounds such as omega 3 and 9 was allegedly able to cure asthma. Based on the experience of some people, meat is also nutritious lower blood sugar levels for diabetics, while his brain as a fertilizer content efficacious women.
Open Schedule Monday - Sunday pk 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 pm Idul Fitri at 06:00 - 18.00 WIB
Ticket Price Domestic visitor: Rp 18,000 Visitors mancanegarak: Rp 18,000 Student: Rp 9,000