Batik is one of the great cultural heritage of ancestors who continued sustainable existence until now. One of the places that the root growth of the archipelago is batik Solo who also once the capital of Surakarta Palace. To further introduce the city of Solo Batik Indonesia in the eyes and the world, held since 2008 was a grand event called Solo Batik Carnival (SBC). The event is organized annually by Solo Center Point Foundation and the City of Surakarta.
Solo Batik Carnival is a carnival-based society that is designed to be a world-class carnival. Initially, the carnival is inspired from Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC), a fashion parade in the streets.Because it would not be surprised if both are almost the same concept. Only difference is the main ingredient in the manufacture of costume. As the name implies Solo Batik Carnival, batik serve as a source of ideas as well as the main material creation a fantastic carnival costumes. Before following the carnival, each participant is required to follow the workshop to design costumes for months. Carnival costumes designed and used solely by the participants in the peak of the Solo Batik Carnival which took place along Jalan Slamet Riyadi to Solo City Hall office.
Each year, the Solo Batik Carnival carries a different theme ranging from "Mask", "Sekar Jagad" to "Wonders of Legend".These themes are then translated through a costume design unique and creative participants. Classical batik patterns combined with contemporary batik and decorated with beads and costume crown made more lively. No wonder if when he joined the Chingay Festival in Singapore, the delegation Solo Batik Carnival gets rousing appreciation from the audience. Currently Solo Batik Carnival continues to improve itself to become one of the carnival are taken into account in the international arena.
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